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Total PhiliPPiNeS LaunchesToyDrive aT GaS StationS

Gives new meaning to boast in total this holiday season by donating new toys to surprise the lucky ones this Christmas. Santa secret donations will be accepted at all the number of stations in Metro Manila and Bulacan from now until December 10, 2016.

Total Christmas toy drive, to support the NGO Project pearl pair her, trying to collect at least 3,000 new toys for children in the public schools in Manila and Bulacan partners who are beneficiaries of scholarships and feeding programs.

"Initially, we see this as an outreach organization for employees TPC Christmas. But we know that we can make more of a difference by opening the drive for our customers through a network of dealers and our stations," said Ana Coscolluela, TPC Corporate Communications Manager. "Christmas is for children. We wanted to put more smiles on young faces this December."

Total PhiliPPiNeS LaunchesToyDrive aT GaS StationS

Donations received by December 10 will be distributed at the annual Christmas party for the beneficiary NGOs.

Established in 2010, Project PEARLS has provided an educational grant, meal programs and educational resources to the community partner in Helping Land in Tondo, Manila, and in Barangay Batia in Bocaue, Bulacan. organization mentor students through after school programs, believes that education will give underprivileged children a bright future and enable them to escape from the vicious circle of poverty.

Working with a group of medical volunteers, they launched a medical mission, opening a health center earlier this year that provides medicines and consultation to the public. Birthday Program gives young people who have never celebrated their birthday a chance to.

Pearl project '2015 toy drive gathered more than 3,500 toys for children of beneficiary schools with the help of its partners.

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