Elon Musk showed potential for even more performance than 2.5sec which P100D to 60 mph, but would not say when it comes
The latest update on the Model S line-up means that Amusingly Mode - which spread the power of the maximum possible for the full acceleration to 60mph in 2.5sec - only available on the P100D, as a standard feature. Model P90D has been discontinued.
Musk made revealed while discussing changes to the range of the Model S, which includes selection of a new panoramic sunroof.
Tesla has long shown a fondness for glass in the vehicle, and Elon Musk recently confirmed the creation of a special glass technology to work on automotive glass, as well as the recently announced solar tiles. Musk said that the results of the first auto-focus glass team will look at the upcoming Model 3, which may have a solar roof option.
As shown by Electrek.co, who see the change on the US website Tesla, deletion P90D now means a sizable spike in prices on the basis of the Model S 90D at £ 73 900 before incentives, and P100D in £ 118 900 before incentives. The gap would suggest 100D non-performance model of the future is in the works.
Autocar has contacted Tesla for comment.
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